Novena Prayer for Divine Mercy
and Intervention for the Cure of Corona Virus.


This novena starts on Wednesday being 1st April till 9th being Holy Thursday. Please spread the word! While we face the coronavirus pandemic, let us turn to the face of God in prayer and ask for His mercy, healing, help, and His protection. We will pray for all who are affected, for all who are sick and suffering, for all those who work in the medical profession, and for those who have died as well as for their grieving family members.

The recommended guideline for the Novena prayer.

1. Begin with a daily opening prayer for the Novena (See below)
2. Prayer for mercy using Psalm 51 from your bible or divine mercy rosary prayer at 3’ O clock.
3. Daily Rosary according to the mystery for each day.
4. Litany of supplication (See below)


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Father in Heaven, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

We come to you today with our fears and concerns — You know what’s in our hearts. We love You, trust You, we need You. We ask You to be with us. Stay with us. Help us through these times of uncertainty and sorrow. We know you are the Divine Physician, the healer of all. And so we ask that you bring your loving and healing presence to all those who are sick and suffering right now. Please comfort them. Please be with the grieving families of those who have passed away. Please have mercy on those who have died, may they be with You in heaven. Please stand at the side of all medical professionals who are putting themselves at risk while they work to bring healing to others. Lord, we are scared and we are sorrowful. Please heal us. Send us your peace and overwhelming presence. (Mention your intentions here)

We also ask for the great intercession of your saintly physicians especially those who lived during the time of the plague, to pray for us that our world may be healed of Corona Virus.
Jesus, we thirst for You. You chose to enter this world as a vulnerable baby. Be with the most vulnerable now.

Help us to continue to return to You with our whole hearts throughout this ordeal. Amen.


True God and true man, truly present in this Holy Sacrament,
We adore you, O Lord.
Our Savior, God-with-us, faithful and rich in mercy,
We adore you, O Lord.
King and Lord of creation and history,
We adore you, O Lord.
Conqueror of sin and death,
We adore you, O Lord.
Friend of humankind, risen and living at the right hand of the Father,
We adore you, O Lord.

Only-begotten Son of the Father, who descended from Heaven for our salvation,
We believe in you, O Lord.
Heavenly doctor, who inclines over our misery,
We believe in you, O Lord.
Sacrificed Lamb, who offers himself to save us from evil,
We believe in you, O Lord.
Good Shepherd, who gives his life for the flock he loves,
We believe in you, O Lord.
Living bread and medicine of immortality, who gives us Life eternal,
We believe in you, O Lord.

From the power of Satan and the seductions of the world,
Free us, O Lord.
From pride and from the presumption that we can do without you,
Free us, O Lord.
From the deceptions of fear and anguish,
Free us, O Lord.
From unbelief and despair,
Free us, O Lord.
From hardness of heart and the incapacity to love,
Free us, O Lord.

From all the evils that afflict humanity,
Save us, O Lord.
From hunger, famine, and egoism,
Save us, O Lord.
From disease, epidemics, and fear of our brothers and sisters,
Save us, O Lord.
From devastating folly, from merciless interests, and from violence,
Save us, O Lord.
From deception, misinformation, and manipulation of consciences,
Save us, O Lord.

Look upon your Church, which is crossing the desert,
Console us, O Lord.
Look upon humanity, terrified by fear and anguish,
Console us, O Lord.
Look upon the sick and dying, oppressed by loneliness,
Console us, O Lord.
Look upon doctors and health care workers, overwhelmed by fatigue,
Console us, O Lord.
Look upon politicians and administrators, who bear the weight of decisions,
Console us, O Lord.

In the hour of trial and confusion,
Give us your Spirit, O Lord.
In temptation and in weakness,
Give us your Spirit, O Lord.
In the battle against evil and sin,
Give us your Spirit, O Lord.
In the search for true good and true joy,
Give us your Spirit, O Lord.
In the decision to remain in You and in Your friendship,
Give us your Spirit, O Lord.

If sin oppresses us,
Open us to hope, O Lord.
If hate closes our hearts,
Open us to hope, O Lord.
If suffering visits us,
Open us to hope, O Lord.
If indifference distresses us,
Open us to hope, O Lord.
If death annihilates us,
Open us to hope, O Lord

The Fourteen Holy Helpers, those who lived during the time of the plague
…Pray for us

St. Anthony the Great, patron of those affected by infectious diseases
….Pray for us

St. Edmund, patron for victims of pandemics
…..Pray for us.

St. Damien of Molokai, who put himself at risk to minister to those with leprosy
…Pray for us

St. Rocco, who is venerated for his prayers for those suffering from infectious diseases
…..Pray for us

St. Joseph, patron of the dying
….Pray for us

St. Jude and St. Rita, patrons of impossible causes
…..Pray for us

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, who founded hospitals dedicated to caring for the sick
…Pray for us

St Vincent
……. Pray for us.

St. Raphael the healing Archangel of God
….… Pray for us.

Mary, Undoer of Knots
…..Pray for us

Our lady of perpetual help
…Pray for us

CONCLUSION: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen